Friday, November 09, 2007

Gold Rush

Gold Rush, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

Mountaineer fans are popping up everywhere--I love it. I walked by a few folks decked out in WVU jerseys as I walked through the Orlando airport on my way back to the place that's Almost Heaven.

I arrived in Morgantown last night around 4.30PM, and then I began making a number of connections that would eventually place me at Mountaineer Field.

First, our canvas group had a tailgate at one of my friend's house. It was great!!! There was cornhole, community, and even cider.

From there, I had the privilege of joining with a former Mountaineer mascot who was in town because this week is Mountaineer week! He had hooked me up with a ticket to the Alumni Association tailgate tent, and it was phenomenal. I had a rack of ribs, and a bbq chicken breast sandwich among other phenomenal foods.

Then it was time to find our seats. I found my self sitting in a box seat right behind the student section and surrounded by a swarm of former mountaineer mascots--it was AWESOME!!!

So needless to say, my return to Morgantown was phenomenal. WVU won the game, and the theme of the night was Gold Rush. WVU Fans are encouraged to wear gold to every home game, but this game featured an even greater push, and the team even wore all gold uniforms.

It was simply an amazing night, and it was great to see a little Mountaineer Magic in the fourth quarter too! There's nothing that quite compares to being in a crowd of several thousand people all united in one purpose. WVU has three more games, and could be playing in the national championship this year--it's so exciting to look expectantly toward future weeks and celebrate with friends.

The food, the fun, the friends--I think they are all little reminders of what heaven will be like. Although I'm pretty sure heaven will be on a much larger scale. But, I'll definitely enjoy the days I get to spend in Almost Heaven until that day comes!

1 comment:

  1. cornhole?! what's that?
    ESPN guys kept call the colors "mustard". I was a bit ticked off by that....don't they know "gold" when they see it. Indeed WV is "almost heaven".
    You Rock Billy!
