Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Different Light

A Different Light, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
I took this photo while sitting in the woods along the shaver’s fork of the cheat river while on a retreat with a number of folks from h2o a few weeks ago. We were all just taking some time for solitude, silence, and reflection when I snapped this mid-morning photo.

Over the next few days, I’m uncertain as to the availability of internet access for blogging because of my current location, but I’m gonna try to at least write regularly, even if I cannot post. For me, blogging/writing provides an opportunity to reflect on our world, and even to contemplate how the Kingdom of God comes to bear on everyday life.

On the flipside, as you read, it’s my hope that this blog might provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your own experiences through the day as well. Perhaps, a photo will bring back a memory or a comment will remind you of something God has been teaching you. Or . . .you will read, and perhaps even see the world in a different light.

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