Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Sister, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

This past saturday, I drove down to Parkersburg to surprise my dad and sister! Last Thursday, my sister had a big chunk of skin on the back of her leg surgically removed in an effort to insure the melanoma she was diagnosed with was thoroughly eradicated. The surgery (and simultaneous skin graft) insure her with 96% confidence that the melanoma should be completely gone.

Anyway, she's been having a tough time. She has to be extremely careful with the skin graft, and her leg has been incredibly sore over the last few days. She is accustomed to walking several miles a day, and for the next few days her walking will need to be significantly curtailed. Not only that, she's been doing a lot of lying on her side too. She has really been a trooper through it all!

So today, she gets some of the bandaids taken off her leg and skin graft area, and she is attempting to return to work.

My sister is gentle and lady-like, but she is also tough as nails, just like our momma. I'm so thoroughly proud of my sister for the way she has gone through this challenge.

And then this morning I read something in scripture that I feel is an encouragement to anybody like my sister who is facing tough times.

In Deuteronomy 1.30, it says, "The LORD your God who goes before you will himself fight for you, just as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes."

When we are going through those tough times, the LORD is with us, and He fights for us. Just like He did, when we were slaves in "Egypt".

Going through a challenge? Remember the LORD who fights for you, who rescued you, and who gives you the ability to stand.

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