Friday, May 04, 2007

Three Dimensional Life

The Cross, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
My friend Ryan Huffman did this awesome sculpture and it was on display temporarily at the creative arts center in Morgantown. He's a very talented artist, and I truly appreciate his gift for bringing new insights to faith through his art.

Unfortunately, this photo doesn't really capture the intricacy with which he has composed this sculpture. This sculpture is uniquely shaped, it's heavy, and it has a lot of depth to it.

But then isn't that true about the Messiah and His cross as well? I mean, even when someone tries to capture some aspect of this central element of our faith, it doesn't seem to fully articulate it.

The more I think about this truth, the more I realize the intricacy and intimacy with which God intervenes in our lives. The Cross seems to be the ultimate way in which God connects with our lives.

Even when we don't comprehend the details of the cross, we know our own lives. We know our own lives are extremely complex. We know that there are very difficult times and extremely joyous times in life.

And we know that God has promised never to leave or forsake us. God walks with us in those challenging circumstances and in those joy filled events.

Tomorrow I am going to a wedding. The father of the groom is in a terminal stage of cancer. His goal is to see his son's wedding and be present for it. I guess our life is never two dimensional like a photo, is it? It's more like a sculpture with both smooth and rough edges.

In the middle of that intricate sculpture, the divine Artist, reminds us that He understands both celebration and suffering, weddings and laments. He has entered into the midst of our suffering and hurting, and reminds us that we aren't alone, and that we are not without hope.

Will you take a minute and reflect on this truth? The God of all creation is intimately familiar with every aspect of your life, and He walks with you through it all, good and bad. I don't know about you, but lately I've been really encouraged by this Good News.

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