Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Brothers, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Yesterday, my mom was admitted into Camden Clark Memorial Hospital because of some pretty intense breathing problems she was having. I was on my way to a conference, and got word that she was being admitted, and, after getting the counsel my close friend and fellow traveler Brian Shope, I turned the car around to head home to be with her.

Today, her breathing has still been difficult, and we have probably generated even more questions along the way. I wish I had a lot of clear stuff to report, but right now--I've got very little. Yesterday, we prayed that the doctors would have wisdom with regard to my mom's situation. This morning they "randomly discovered" an otherwise unsuspected and unusually high level of creatine in her blood. A catheter was ordered, and then blockage was discovered leading from both her kidneys--two stints were added in an emergency surgery this afternoon. What an amazing answer to prayer--but we still need to continue in prayer--persevere!

Through it all, my mom has been a trooper! The surgery was painful, but she is holding up. I hope we will find out more with regard to her situation in the near future, but I wanted to ask you to continue in prayer.

But not just for her. In this picture are my dad and two of his brothers. Both of these brothers (and a third one not in the photo) have been fighting and beating cancer--they are like inspirations to my mom. Just the same, I ask you to remember each of them in prayer.

As I posted this picture, I noticed that in the reflection on the TV you can vaguely see my sister, my aunt, and my mom. In the middle of all of these battles with cancer, it has been truly amazing to see how much our family has really come out and cared for one another.

I pray that this too might be a testimony to the incredibly gracious love of God that we have all received, and that we might be an encouragement to others fighting this ruthless malady.

We shall overcome! We are more than conquerors!


  1. I'll pray for your Mom right now!

  2. Me too...just prayed and will continue to do so. Billy, you did the right thing by being there with your mom and the rest of the family. Keep us updated.
