Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Blooms, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Monday afternoon I drove to Parkersburg to join with my family in a meeting with our cancer doctor. When i found out about the meeting I began praying and and I also began bracing myself for some horrible news.

I think my whole family went through those mental and emotional preparations. And when we met with the doctor, there was a degree of relief.

Although my mom has new cancer creating a rash above her right breast, the doctor told us that she would be going home in a couple of days, and then we would begin preparations for the next round of chemo.

Mom's really fighting hard. We're all fighting hard. I cherish your prayers for my family.

As we walked into the hospital on monday, my dad told me about a guy who retired the same day as him. The guy was in a bed on my mom's floor. His family was around him, and he was in a comatose state.

I walked out of my mom's room to go to the restroom, and I ran into my friend Frank Lambert and his fiancée as they walked into frank's dad's room. His dad has esophageal cancer. The outlook isn't good, but I followed them to the room and prayed with his family. While cancer makes things look hopeless, we have a God who is good, and we have hope that will not be put to shame.

Cancer is very indiscriminate. My friend Ben's father has cancer. And my friend Nina is fighting strong against it. My mom runs into people she knows every time she goes for a treatment.

In the middle of all of the weirdness of cancer, I was able to take time to enjoy this bloom from a cherry tree this morning.

In spite of the ugliness we see in the challenge cancer and other evils bring, beauty has a way of triumphing and appearing in some pretty unlikely places. We just need to be aware and looking.

Like the prophet Jeremiah once said,

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

How very true--nothing can stop that steadfast love and faithfulness. I know God is shining through in our lives through it all, and walking before us, with us, and behind us.


  1. Billy-

    What a beautiful reminder of God's faithfulness..I often can see Him in creation when it's hard to see it in other things!

    I will continue to pray for your Mom!

  2. Hey Billy -- just wanted to let you know I responded to your comment on my blog. Thanks for your words!

  3. praying for you. i've read your blog time to time about your mom and her fight. peace to you

