Thursday, February 08, 2007

Pitt Woes

Pitt Woes, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Well, I went to the Pitt game with my dad and brother in law last night. There were many expressions similar to this one I captured, all through the stands. It was a tough loss.

But it was good to be with family. It's always good to be with family. I think that's one of the beautiful things about a life of faith. No matter where we are, we are with family. God, exists as Father, Son, and Spirit. But beyond that, we have the community of faith that becomes our extended family. Because of Christ, I have brothers and sisters literally all over the world. Some are suffering, some are very wealthy, some are depressed, and others are lonely. Regardless, we are family.

Have you taken any time to consider your family both locally and abroad?

It sure beats thinking about that Pitt game--yuck!!!

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