Thursday, February 01, 2007

Goals, Resolutions, and Changes

I was sifting through some pictures I took with my new camera on New Year's Eve, and I found this beautiful picture of my mom. I thought everything about this picture just looked so crisp that it needed to be shared with the whole world (er, at least the folks who peruse this blog). I'm hoping to see her sometime soon. I saw her on Martin Luther King Day, and hing out with her for a bit before she had to go take a stress test--as though raising up three kids was not enough of a stress test. She did fine and she has one more round of chemo to go on February 14th. What a valentine's gift--chemotherapy! Thankfully the new drugs she is on don't take all day to dispense.

So about goals. I don't know if you noticed to the left, but I ran over 100 miles in January. So I don't have to be quiet for 48 hours. Now that one month of 2007 is down, how are you doing on your goals? Did you set any for the year? It's never too late to start you know . . .

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