Monday, February 12, 2007

Brianna's Baptism

Brianna's Baptism, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Just in case you were getting worried that my life is all about basketball, I figured I would let you know some other news happening! My good friend Brianna Huffman (the youngest member of the Huffman clan), received Jesus as her savior this past October, and took a step of obedience to Jesus by getting baptised yesterday at Chestnut Ridge Church.

It's been great watching Brianna, Ryan, and Brett (the Huffman's) grow in their faith here at WVU. And even though Mountaineer Basketball is really exciting, it's even more exciting to see people come into the family of the Kingdom of Jesus, and embrace the beautiful way of the Messiah.

For me, it is truly the greatest thrill to see people come to find hope, salvation, and a better way of living through trusting Jesus.

I think it was a great day of celebration for the entire Huffman family, and I just appreciate the way each one of them have encouraged and inspired me in my own relationship with Jesus.

I hope this picture can be an encouragement to you as you go about your day!


  1. Billy,

    Very encouraging! Great picture. God is still in the business of changing lives!


  2. Awesome pic Billy! Really cool stuff.

