Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Walmart Pushes for Changing Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb, originally uploaded by strobist.
So, when one thinks about the environment, perhaps walmart isn't the first name that comes to mind. But, according to this recent New York Times article, Walmart is serious about minimizing energy consumption in the United States by heavily promoting compact fluorescent bulbs.
The article is pretty interesting because it goes over pros and cons of the bulbs. I'm planning to change out a few more bulbs myself this year. And of course, I always welcome you to take a step and make the change as well. There has been a lull on the one billion bulbs campaign, but perhaps you will want to make a New Year's Resolution, and join my friends of chanchanchepon group so we can track our collective savings and reduction of waste.

Let's do our part to make the world a better place in 2007! What steps are you going to take?

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