One of my friends sent me this video link on you tube. For many, it is a very familiar video. It is the first video ever shown on MTV in the early 80s.
So why am I posting this? You could look at it as an insight to how quickly fashions can and should change. you could look at it as a reason why many people love/hate 80s music. But there is something different that strikes me here.
Video has completely changed our society. I may do a future post on this subject but for now, I want you to think about how many televisions you have in your house. How much time do you spend in front of a screen--computer/tv/other? How has this media enhanced your life, and your appreciation for the written/spoken word?
Have you ever thought about this? Words are powerful, but when you put those words to a rhythm and melody, you majorly accent those words. Throw visual images in the mix, and the story that mere words tell becomes more complex.
In some ways multi-media limits our imagination, but in other ways, it has opened the door to a whole new world of imaginative exploration and creation.
What do you think about the power of media to creatively communicate a story?
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