Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mom Around Thanksgiving

Mom Around Thanksgiving, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, I was able to spend time with much of my family. Unfortunately, my brother Chuck, his wife, and their son were not able to join us. But, my best friend on the planet (who is also a brother), Willie, was able to join us with his wife and Children for Thanksgiving. My sister and her husband were also there.

I didn't take many pictures during the time, but I definitely took time to appreciate all that was happening. I even cooked the turkey!!! Of course everybody was a little concerned because they had questions about my culinary abilities. Their concern turned to joy when they tasted that bird!!! It was delicious, and made for an extra blessing for everyone. (I guess I am not a bad chef).

Mom's had a bit of a tough time because her chemo testing has been delayed for the next couple of weeks while she waits to take a test and get results. Her spirits are up, and I think she really enjoyed having a full house for thanksgiving. Willie's children are like her grandchildren, and Sue is like a daughter to her too.

It was really cool just being able to have so many of us together to celebrate the holiday. Mom is as radiant as ever. It would have been great to have my brother Chuck and his family around too, but perhaps that will happen in the near future.

For all who have been praying, thanks for that gift of grace you have given us. My mom is doing great through everything, and it is your prayers that are making the difference!

I hope you also were able to savour the thanksgiving holiday amidst people you love deeply. Even if you didn't take photos, take time right now and savour that memory. What did you eat? What did people talk about? Who where you with? Were you thankful? Are you now?

Times with loved ones are precious--cherish them!

1 comment:

  1. Billy
    Your postings touch me so much. I am blessed to see you honor your parents and family and pray that God continue to bless your mom with improving health.
    I appreciate all you do with your ministry, as well as your friendship.
    In Christ...Pam
