Monday, October 09, 2006


Nearly Drowning, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
So, this weekend I floated down the Upper Gauley River. This river is rated as the most intense whitewater on the East Coast, and the second most exhilarating in the United States.

A group of four of us went down the river, and we didn't lose a single person from our raft.

But in this picture, I am the guy toward the back of the raft that has water pouring over. You will notice that the entire back side of the raft was submerged. I am just to the left of the guy in yellow.

While we didn't lose a single person, we definitely got wet. There were some intense moments, and we saw other people/groups take spills.

Although it seemed like a relatively safe and uneventful trip, I am still somewhat tired from the whole thing. I never thought a boat ride would take so much energy out of me. I just feel kind of beat up, like I ran a long race, but it really didn't feel like I expended that much energy.

But, maybe that's what happens when you get submerged a few times--even if you don't get flung out of your raft.

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