Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Guest Bed

Guest Bed, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Last night I spent the night at my mom and dads. I slept in the guest bed. Last time I was there, my brother was in the guest bed and I slept on the couch. it was kind of weird being there without him being there too.

I miss my brother.

Last night, I went walking with my sister and her husband along with my dad. Last time I was home, my sister and her husband had us over for dinner. We didn't make it over for dinner this time. My sister usually comes over before work and hangs out at my parents house. I had to leave this morning before she came. It was kind of weird to leave without seeing my sister this morning.

I miss my sister.

My family is awesome. I'm so glad that we are walking through this whole cancer thing together!

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