Wednesday, September 20, 2006

See ya in the funny papers!

This morning, our new cafe downtown made it in the campus newspaper. We were on the front page. THe guy from the Daily Athenaeum here at WVU came in yesterday afternoon and took a bunch of pictures. He had a really cool tattoo on his left shoulder, and I would love to see more of his photos, because this one was really great.

Anyhoo, it is pretty sweet that we were able to get some free publicity directed around this new space. And the picture says so much about how relaxed and connecting this little cafe is.

It couldn't have come at a better time either. This week, we are showing a film, "Invisible Children", Thursday night @ 7PM, and we are formally opening the artspace portion of the cafe this Friday during morgantown's annual artwalk.

Although I probably won't be around for much if any of this stuff, it is pretty cool to see this little space at the top of high street start to come to life, and find some resonance within our campus community.

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