Monday, August 14, 2006


So.Zo, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Last week we signed a lease on a storefront along high street in Morgantown. Eventually, this will be the home of a cafe/coffeehouse/cereal bar, but for now it is a pretty empty space.
Over the course of this week, we will be slowly transforming this space to prepare it for the debut of an open mic Friday night.
Whlle it is hard to say goodbye to the dream and vision we had for the waterhouse, we could potentially do more, and do it better in this new location.
It's fun to jump into new projects too. I will have to post some pictures as we make progress in this new space.


  1. Is So.Zo. the name of the place? if so, what does it mean. Has the water house sold yet? Am praying for that. How's your mom? praying for her too!
    Hang in there friend...there's a line to a favorite hymn that says "whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul" Praise the Lord!

  2. Cereal bar, eh? I vote for Cheerios and Raisin Bran. None of this foofy sugary stuff. Eat your Wheaties.

  3. hey sorry i didn't get to talk to you much this evening as the phones cut out but hopefully i can get ahold of you tomorrow or soon and figure out a good day to come up and visit.

