Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Me and Mom

Me and Mom, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Yesterday, I hung out with my family in Parkersburg. My mom started chemotherapy today, and fortunately, I have been able to do a good bit of work from down here. It has been good just being around. I think the pace of the past week caught up with me yesterday afternoon. I fell asleep on my parents couch in the afternoon, and probably had the first decent night of sleep I’ve had in over a month. I actually slept for eight hours too—I never do that! Mom’s chemo seems to be gong well. Right now, she is knitting as the drugs enter her chest to eliminate the invasive carcinoma that is trying to spread in her right breast. Emotionally, as a family we have been doing our share of weeping and laughing together. Spiritually, we are going to the source of our hope, Jesus. Mentally, we are staying sharp and hopeful. Mom’s doing really well physically too.

Any prayers you can lift up on her behalf would be appreciated!

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