Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sandy River

Sandy River, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
This was the place I was introduced to fishing for Northern Pike. I didn’t fair so well in this little river, but the next day I caught Northern on what seemed like every third cast. They fight hard, and they have several rows of vicious teeth.

They aren’t supposed to be as delicious as the Walleye, so we focused on catching our limit of meal sized Walleye’s 13’’—15. Actually we had two great meals catching these Walleye’s. Liz’s brother, Luke Smith, should open a guide service. Nobody was catching fish, but he told us where we should go before we left for the lake. Everywhere he told us to go—we caught fish. Lot’s of fish.

This river is fed by a set of rapids that I tried to photograph. The land was impassable when I attempted to get a good shot of the rapids. The river was pleasant, none-the-less.

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