Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Eagle in Flight

Eagle in Flight, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Unfortunately, my camera does not have the lens necessary to bring these eagles into sight. Eagle’s were commonplace along this lake. Although we didn’t see any moose, they are often seen along the rivers that feed into the lake.

The Eagle is a pretty majestic bird. It is also the totem of my tribal clan. It was amazing to watch one of these winged ones dive into the water with its talons outstretched to acquire a fish, and to see another carrying away some other small object (probably a squirrel) to it’s lofty nest.

There is something really special about the Eagle. It was definitely a treat to see eagle’s every day I was on the water. Lot’s of times people call every big bird in the sky an eagle, but Eagle’s are unmistakeable.

I remember hearing this quote once. “The eagle never lost so much time as when he stooped to learn from the crow.” It’s weird, as I meditate on that quote, I can’t help but think that there is much to learn from both for us. But that probably isn’t what the quote means at all.

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