Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Tchuss, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Last night we had a going away dinner for our new friend Bernd. Bernd has spent the last three months immersed in our community in Morgantown, and we are all sad to see him leave.

Today he has a long drive to New York, and then a long flight to Germany. Some of us are looking forward to a Rendezvous with him in Amsterdam in the future.

We had a great meal, great community, and Bernd actually inspired us to put together a music CD with all original renderings of music. He even mixed some of my tribes old songs with guitar and keyboard--it sounds awesome.

I hope he will continue to touch and transform Bremen the way he has done this in West Virginia.

I hope that we can be faithful to the call that we each have for our lives to toch and transform our community with compassion and care.

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