Monday, May 15, 2006

Flock of Seagulls

Flock of Seagulls, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
What do my hair style and the 80s band "Flock of Seagulls" have in common beyond hair? Well, "I ran," which was their hit song, is also what I have been doing more of lately.

Over the last three weeks I have run on four separate occasions. I realize that doesn't quite make me a runner, but it is a start. The fact that I have been able to get out is huge. I used to run--a lot. But an injury slowed me down. Now I haven't run consistently for six years. This summer, I plan to change that.

I will be in Morgantown for most if not all of the summer for the first time in 5 years. Not only will I have the ability to run, I will also have the ability to climb as well. That's a sport I fell in love with the year before I had to start going to Florida every summer during prime climbing season. While Florida afforded me the opportunity to learn to surf, the state is flat like a pancake--the only way you can climb is to climb buildings, or join a gym. Rocks don't cost money!!!

Anyway I am pumped about the summer in "Almost Heaven."

In case you are wondering, my hair doesn't really look like this--it's just tucked under my hat.

While we all may be nostalgic for old 80s hair styles, what other old good habits are you going to re-initiate this summer?

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