Monday, May 01, 2006

24--not the series

Well the past twenty four hours have been fairly eventful. I spoke at h2o, had lunch with about 25 people who are part of our community and then went running with Ryan, Jamie, and Christy. I also worked on my English paper at starbucks for a bit, and hung out with JR Pittman, and Nic Culp as well as my running buddies. Then, I joined Nic, Ryan, and Jamie and we attended an art show that featured Ryan and several other artists working with electronic media.

The show was really cool. there was one project in particular that spoke to me. This girl videotaped herself plucking dandelions, tearing up plants, and breaking stems off tree branches. Then, she played the footage backward. It looked like she was repairing everything. I talked to her about the project, and shared how I thought what she did was a great example of what Shalom looks like. I told her that we were working on opening an art gallery in the waterhouse, and that I thought that it might be cool to show the video in our gallery. She told me she was looking for a place to do her senior show, so who knows.

I was also able to hang out and connect with a number of folks from h2o at the art show. After this, I went back to the house and attempted to work a bit more on my final english paper and continued to connect with a handful of people through instant messenger.

This morning I finished my paper, turned it in, and began packing for LA. I took a flight, read a book, watched a movie, and ended up in Culver City (just a half mile outside Inglewood) with my friends Kip and Theresa Haynes. We had a wonderful evening of conversation and catching up. I really appreciate them.

What has your last 24 been like?

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