Monday, April 03, 2006

The Season is Over, or is it?

Mrach Madness lost its appeal on March 23 when WVU lost at the buzzer to Texas. It seemed to revive a bit when George Mason upset UConn to the chants of "Go Kryptonite!" Somehow the season was over before it was over. I lost interest when the championship game was going to be UCLA and Florida. There just wasn't a huge appeal for me. And tonight's game had no excitement to it. 73-57 Florida won. It's their first National Championship in basketball, and I am sure there are many chanting, "It's great to be a Florida Gator" in Gainesville.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the celebration of an even greater victory. In less than two weeks, I will celebrate with millions around the world the greatest victory ever won. The powers of death, sin, and evil were decisively beaten by Jesus the Messiah through the cross. The lenten season comes to an end soon, but this magnificent victory will continue to be celebrated forever and ever.

So, let's celebrate!!!

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