Yesterday I celebrated my 32nd birthday. There wasn't a lot of fanfare, and people didn't line the streets or anything, but it was an incredible day. I was actually able to steal away for a bit in the afternoon and go for a bike ride and a hike with my dad. The evening ended on a relaxing note with me watching Indian TV (a fire) with a few friends outside my house.
I was thinking about my life and the life of another person who turned thirty two a long time ago. I wonder what Jesus was doing on His 32nd birthday. I wonder who He was serving during his second year on earth? Who were the people He was building into? He was standing about a year before the cross, I wonder if he knew then exactly how and when it was all going to go down.
At age thirty-two, I have been able to drive for half of my life. Sixteen years of my life I have been able to drive a car, and help others on long road trips. I kind of take it for granted sometimes that I've had that luxury for half of my life.
My favorite basketball player of all time is Magic Johnson. Do you know what his jersey number is? 32.
As I sit at this pinnacle in my life, I am hopeful that my next 32 will be even better than my first 32, and my first thirty two have been awesome.
My goal this year is to not attempt to do everything all at once. I feel the pull of so many different demands on my life, and I try to answer them all--all the time. Nobody can do that. So I am lerning. And this year I am being intentional about it.
For instance. I can't plan out a vacation as I blog--one thing at a time.
Do you have any big goals for your next year of life?
Happy Birthday Billy! I pray for a more glorius next 32 years (thought it might mean more painful or at least as full of suffering.) Nonetheless, may you live in your life to the full. Your life is not only a glorius testimony of our Lord but also a special gift to be savored and delighted in between you and He. I praise Him for your life.