Monday, January 16, 2006

Without Access

Over the last few days, I have had a myriad of insights that would have been blog-able (I think I just invented a new adjective). Unfotunately I haven't had access to the internet.

The past week consisted of a couple of retreats, and the interesting thing about these retreats is that they felt less like retreats for me. The first one was a planning retreat for the staff of the community church with which I am affiliated. We spent three days in a cabin on a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere. We prayed, we shared our lives, and we worked. We began planning for the adjustments necessary for this small community church to make the adjustment of moving into a facility four times its current size and farther away from town. There is much to think about with regard to the move.

At the same time, I was trying to assess the future of our campus church service in downtown morgantown. I drove from the staff retreat to a retreat 20 minutes east of Morgantown for our campus church. While this retreat was also tiring, it was a different kind of fatigue. We explored our life visions, we prayed together. We worshiped the Lord, and we wept together. Weeping is a good thing. I could write for a while about that, but I will save it for another time. I feel like the weekend retreat was monumental in the lives of many. One person has already come to know Christ as a result of our time together. Isn't that amazing!!!

Sunday we gathered at h2o and started off the semester with a really cool service. It was a lot of fun for everybody, and we took left-overs from our retreat and had a big lunch at my house. About half of the congregation showed up!

Tonight we are starting a brand new Canvas Group in one of the dorms at WVU. I wonder what God is going to do through this faith venture? We are also trying to come up with a cool name for it--if you've got any ideas feel free to float them my way.

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