Monday, January 02, 2006

Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar

2006 on the Dam, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
Happy New Year!

It seems so long ago . . . 2005 is but a memory now. I have been going so much and spending so much time with people, it has been difficult to blog.

I believe I was the first Shawnee to see the year 2006. Along with a few hundred thousand other people, I celebrated New Year's Eve on the Dam square in Amsterdam in front of the Royal Palace. (This is Amsterdam's Equivalent of Times Square in NY).

People gathered from all over the world to explode into the new year. Why explode? Because New Year's is one of a select few days when vuuwerks (Fireworks) are sold in Amsterdam.

Lot's of people and lots of fireworks. There was no official fireworks display like back in the states, there were just thousands of random fireworks being set-off in the city.

The air smelled of gunpowder, and the unsuspecting would have thought the city was under attack. The fireworks went on through the night, and fires burned throughout the city.

It was a pretty wild time.

What did you do for new years?

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