Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Bridges

The bridges of the Redlight District are where dealers like to hang out. It is also where we chose to hang out. Already, because of the regular presence of missionaries in this area, dealers and prostitutes and junkies are being reached. God is using his people to slowly transform the heart of this place.

For a long time no dealers set foot on the bridges. It was as if we were preventing them from operating. God was putting up a barrier and undermining their work. They stood on either end of the bridge, and moved around a lot. They didn't really talk to us. I think they knew who we were and why we were there.

Drug trafficking was being interrupted for a few hours, in the heart of the red light district. God's light and love were shining through a few missionaries who made themselves unbusy for a few hours.

I believe God want's to change this neighborhood. What do you think he wants to do in yours? Do you think he might want you to be a part of it?

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