Monday, November 28, 2005

Back in Motown

I forgot that when we travel internationally, we have additional security to go through. As a result, after we went through security the first time at the aeroport, I suggested that we grab a bite to eat before we went to our gate. Bad idea.

As we were walking to our gate, a security person comes running up to us to tell us that we are delaying the plane, and that we have an addtional security check to go through.

As he started us running to the gate, he explained "You are not nice. You are rude. You make the whole plane wait." I guess we made a bad impression on him. We were polite and courteous with him as we ran and went through security, but you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Ironically, we ended up arriving 30-40 minutes early in Dulles.

It took about an hour to go through customs, and then it was off to the van, and then to morgantown.

We arrived at around 8PM, and I was unpacked by 8:30-9PM.

I checked some email and did a little reading, and then it was off to bed.

and this morning I woke up at 5:30AM.

I may need a little time to readjust to speaking English again. I found myself still speaking dutch on the plane.

It's good to be back, and to slaap lekker (sleep yummy) in Morgantown.


  1. sorry I missed you too! Loved the brochure for Awaken! The airport people were a real trip!

  2. Hey Billy!
    I finally got a chance to check out your blogs on Amsterdam...
    It's funny how rubbing shoulders (or reading stories) of fellow ambassadors really fires one up. I guess that's what Hebrews 10:24-25 talking about. Thanks for the encouragement. May we be faithful to make the most of it all.
