Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Suffering and Pain and Evil

Over the last few days, I've been hearing some very personal stories from the lives of others. The result has been that I have thinking a lot about the state of our world. I am more and more convinced of the wickedness of humanity the more stories I hear. Sure, I believe deep down that there are people who are really trying to make a difference, and who want to stem the tide. But the truth of the matter is, deep down, our own selfishness is what is the root of so much evil.

We can justify all kinds of evil, and to me that is really scary. I have a feeling that sometimes people don't completely grasp how warped or evil their deeds really are. I don't think we even like talking about evil to tell the truth. Sometimes I feel a little cynical, but more than anything i sweep from being depressed (at the state of the world) to being hopeful (of what the world will one day become).

When I hear stories about the evils committed against some of my friends (these are really too graphic to share, and I wouldn't want to violate confidence), I am heartbroken. I think we like to wear blinders much of the time, and all the while God is trying to pull them off of us, and get us to get involved in being instruments of healing in a world that needs each one of us to be yielded to the rule of King Jesus.

Where is God calling you to bring healing in your part of the world?

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