Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Snow in October

Snow in October, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
It is snowing in Morgantown. Leaves are still green on the trees in my yard. Every fifteen minutes I hear the crack of another branch as it breaks and falls somewhere in my neighborhood because of the weight of the snow on the still green leaves. The tops are broken out of most of the trees in my neighborhood right now. Powerlines are down, and the power goes out for a few seconds every half hour.

I hope this is not an early indicator of the severity of the winter to come.

Last night I left my class around 9:45. As I walked home it was snowing a little bit (it had been raining earlier). Twenty minutes after I got home, my roommate calls me outside. The ground was covered with snow.

And it is still coming down this morning. . .


  1. Sorry, I only meant to say that once.

  2. Wow Melissa, you really are jealous :)
    We got snow last night- about 3-4 inches, but it looks like you guys down in Morgantown got more than we did!
