Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Big Story

Over the last few weeks as a faith community at h2o, we have been looking at the Bible as God's great story, and the story in which all of our stories find meaning. Along with each week's message, dealing with the themes of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation, my friend Ryan Huffman has been painting original pieces designed to reflect the theme of the week.

Right now I am looking at the painting done for the theme of consummation. I am talking about that theme this week. This theme carries with it the ideas expressed in Revelation 21:1-8. Check it out if you get a chance. It talks about no more pain or tears being around.

On the painting is the phrase " . . .And they all Lived Happily Ever After". This is how our story resolves. As we become heroes in God's story (He gives us an opportunity to become a hero or a villain), we look forward to a time when we will all live happily ever after. The story reaches its consummation--it is complete, and we are able to experience true Shalom.

I can't even begin to get an idea of what that will be like. I keep looking at this painting, and I am taken away by it. There is a tree, and some hills, and a beautiful skyline. Even Ryan, talented artist that he is, perhaps could only glimpse a shadow of what this time will be like. The painting does a great job of creating longing. Like the fragrance of a flower we have never seen, that is our longing for eternity.

What are some of the great stories that you have read that remind you of aspects of God's story?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Billy! I do not think any of us have even the faintest clue of what it will be like to live without pain or even the desire to sin. What an amazing life that will be. Why don't you take a picture of Ryan's paintings and post them? I am sure I am not the only one that would love to see them!
