Thursday, August 11, 2005

changing the world

I'm sitting planning out the semester, and a pre-semester retreat time for the small community of faith of which I am part here in Morgantown. In the cafe where I am sitting, I have been taking in a bit of the conversation taking place around me. It seems like times don't really change. In the first century, there were many people with many different agendas for changing the world. the same is true today.

Twenty feet from me a group of three women are working on a mission, vision, and values statement for a feminist organization they are starting to get rid of evil in the world. Their purpose is to expose the evils of different institutions and point to a better way.

Another person I just talked to was on a crusade against Domino sugar for destroying the everglades. Other people all around me are plotting out agenda's for their organizations and their communities.

In a sense, it makes me hopeful--that so many people are looking for the betterment of God's world. In another sense it scares me. How much are these plans I am developing similar to those plans being made all around me. I pray that I would be humble enough to submit any plans I am developing to God's greater plan. I don't want to find myself guilty of presumption with regard to God's purposes for our community of faith in Morgantown.

Please pray for me, and pray for God's redemption to break through in this community. He is the shaper of our destinies, and the source of all true life!

Also, take time to consider how your day is ordered. Who dictates your agenda for life--is it you? Or are you sumitting all of your goals and ideas to the Master of Life?

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