Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Abigail Ryan Cogar

Abigail Ryan Cogar, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

I just met the most beautiful little girl the other day. I was able to see my old roommate's little 2 month old daughter for the first time. In the picture, you can see her posing on a blanket that my mother crocheted specifically for her.

As a single guy, I've tended to avoid a lot of interaction with wee children (as most single guys do). Partly because of the awkward way people look at you. Partly out of a reverent fear and awe of something so miraculous and beautiful.

Now, as a result of some work God has been doing in me, I don't want to miss out on fully appreciating little miracles like Abigail. When I visited, I held her. I danced with her. I sang to her. I talked to her. Children are so beautiful, and so delicate. I am so glad I am able to enjoy this wonderful gift from God.

If you are a person who avoids children, you are definitely missing out. It's cool to think that we as the people of God all share in the care for one another--including the infants and children of our communities.

Take some time and care for the infants and young people in your community. They represent the future of God's world.

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