Monday, July 18, 2005

Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.
So much has happened over the past week...

My parents came to O-town to visit and look for a winter home.

My roommate (in FL) got engaged.

and...I visited four theme parks in one day with my parents.

We went to Animal Kingdom, MGM Studios, Epcot, and the Magic Kingdom. I pushed my mom in a wheelchair for 14 miles in temperatures that exceeded 106. I don't know what the heat index was, but I know it was a scorcher. I am so impressed with my parents--I can't believe we covered four theme parks in 1 day. Mom is 59 and Dad is 64, and I don't know too many people who are half their age who could be so energetic, but we were in the "magic kingdom".

Thanks to my roommates fiance, we were able to visit these parks for free--she gave us three complimentary tickets for all of the parks.

The week has been fun, and I am sorry to see my parents go, but we had a wonderful time. We even visited both coasts while they were here. I think the students in our LT program fell in love with them and vice-versa.

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