Monday, June 27, 2005

Busy week

This last week has been very hectic, but fun. I officiated my first wedding on saturday, and drove to Orlando from Morgantown Saturday night. Sunday, when I arrived, I took my friend Cameron to a job training close to the orlando airport. I sprinted back to participate in a discussion with students about moral purity. The rest of the week was a whirlwind of special projects and an intense time of personal development.

I started to feel a bit of the "summer's almost over, what have I accomplished" stress. But I am getting through it. Took a trip last weekend to South Florida and visited/made a number of friends.

Yesterday, I shared with our project a little of the difficulty we experience in attempting to remain "unstained by the world".

This week looks to be better, and I look forward to getting back in the flow.

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