Friday, May 06, 2005

Rain in Hollywood

Rain in Hollywood, originally uploaded by chanchanchepon.

never thought it rained in southern california, but yesterday, I walked through a shower for about twenty minutes. Although I have been out this way many times, I have never experienced rain. LA has experienced record rain this year, and it has resulted in a number of vibrant blooms (none seen in the concrete of Hollywood) that manyhave not seen before. I wasn't sure if it would be clear through the photo that it was raining, but then I saw the lady with the umbrella.

It's funny, because everybody here had umbrellas. When I think about Morgantown, most people have gortex jackets, or just allow themselves to be soaked. Umbrellas are often viewed as an encumbrance. I also saw a number of people wearing raincoats, but most of these people weren't dressed up like we usually are back east when wearing them. It was a pretty fascinating cultural study.

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